Trouble With Study?

Effective Study Skills

  • Are you or someone you care about having study difficulties?

  • Do you have difficulty retaining what you study?

  • Do you sometimes feel like giving up what you are studying?

There is Hope!

Study Technology is the breakthrough that undercuts the reasons people have difficulty learning. It is not “just another system”. Study Technology is a workable methodology that makes it possible for a person to recognize and handle the barriers to successful study. There had never before existed a true technology of study. There had been a technology of schooling, as L. Ron Hubbard—the developer of Study Technology—put it, including the shaping of curriculum and planning of lessons. There had also been much on the theory of teaching. Yet study as the route to grasping ideas and mastering abilities had been neglected. Study Technology has filled this void.

Free Consultation: How To Improve Study Skills

We are offering a free introduction to this valuable information at our San Jose center, come in and receive a free personal consultation and receive help with your particular study issues.

Learn effective tools on how to study (or Teach!) any subject successfully.


“Before doing the The Technology of Study Course, I had difficulty learning new things. While on the course, I learned what was stopping me from being able to learn. These barriers to study: Absence of Mass, Too Steep a Gradient, and The Misunderstood Word are so easy to overlook. But if they are easy to overlook, they are just as powerful in solving the mystery of why I couldn’t understand some of my previous studies. It wasn’t until after I learned of these barriers and their remedies that I began to get any understanding of what I was learning. But even more so, when I started to use these methods for real, my inability to learn anything new was totally blown away. I don’t think there is anything I can’t learn now. This stuff should be taught in schools everywhere. It could very well solve all our education problems!”

Free Consultation: How To Improve Study Skills

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