The Scientology TV Network is here! There is a huge array of programs for you to watch and enjoy. Below please find a suggested list of shows to watch.
If you would like to know how Scientology can help you Do a Free Personality Test and have a personal consultation with a trained professional.
The Scientology TV Network has launched. You can now know from the comfort of your own home all about Scientology. Click the image to the left to go straight to the site!
The Scientology Channel will answer the following questions:
What is Scientology? What are the principles of Scientology? How can Scientology Help me? What are Scientologists like? Who is L. Ron Hubbard?
Take some time to watch the channel. Once you have done that if you would like to come and visit a Scientology Organization, give us a call at 408-249-5398 or email us at to set up a time to stop by.
Or you can take a free personality test online and we will go over it with you when you stop by our San Jose location.
Video created and copyrighted by CSI and used with its permission.
Find out about Scientology TV from the following sources:
Please Note: This test requires a trained consultant to present the results to you in-person. Please ensure that you enter your contact information so that we may schedule an appointment with you.